Commonly used in industry of the flowmeter
The flow of the industry is rapidly developing. Nowadays industry appear in a electromagnetic flowmeter, vortex flowmeter, turbine flow meter, heat flowmeter, ultrasonic flowmeter, and high technology content of hot type gas mass flowmeter and ultrasonic gas flow.
This paper is the flowmeter is relatively commonly used in the industry of the vortexflowmeter.
Vortex flowmeter is mainly used in industrial pipe media fluid flow measurement, such as gas, liquid, steam and so on many kinds of medium. Its characteristic is the loss of pressure small, range range, high precision, volume flow condition in measuring almost from fluid density, pressure, temperature, and the effects of parameters such as viscosity. No dynamic mechanical parts, so high reliability, the maintenance quantity was small. Instrument parameters to long-term stability. Vortex flowmeter with piezoelectric stress sensor, high reliability, can be in 20 ~ +-250 temperature range. A simulation standard signal, also have digital pulse signal output, easy and digital system supporting the use of the computer, etc, it is a more advanced, the ideal measuring instrument.
Vortex flowmeter integrated absorption developed countries advanced technology and summarizes research and production experience for many years, realized the product intelligence, standardization and serialization, generalization, production of mould, ensure the product quality to the beautiful sex. Has the advanced circuits, the low power consumption, range wide, than simple structure, resistance losses small, durable, use the wide, long service life, stable, easy to installation, debugging and other characteristics.
Sensor internal without a mechanical moving parts, high reliability, low pressure drop.
Sensors temperature, pressure range wide:-40 ~ 350 , 0 ~ 16 Mpa.
Span a wide range, high degree of pure measurement.
Measurement results from fluid density, pressure, temperature, viscosity parameters influence
Advanced digital signal processing technology, low floor, ant-vibration performance is excellent.
12 V ~ 42 V power supply voltage wide range to adapt to all kinds of complicated input power environment.
The internal cabin zener safety design, gelizha.
LCD display double line, clear reading legibility.
RamTron ferroelectric memory data permanent record.
Vortex flowmeter measurement medium: liquid: hot water, cold water, light, chemical liquid. Gas: blast furnace gas, mixed gas, all kinds of single component multicomponent gas. The superheated steam, saturated steam. Compressed air. Natural gas, liquefied natural gas, the torch gas.
Vortex flowmeter installation procedures
1. Vortex flowmeter can be installed in the indoor or outdoor. If the installation in the well, and there is the possibility of water flooding, should choose scuba type sensor or transmitter.
2. Vortex flowmeter in pipe can be horizontal, vertical, or tilt installation, but when measuring the liquid, the pipe must be filled with liquid. So in vertical or inclined pipe installation on the vortex flowmeter, the liquid flow direction should be from the ball up.
3. Vortex flowmeter upstream side of the street and downstream side should be left a long straight pipe, requirements or downstream of straight pipe length and varies with the pipe status. The vortex flowmeter upstream should try to avoid install the regulator or half open the valve, the valve should be installed in half or regulator flow downstream after 5 D.
4. Installation of vortex flowmeter line must be consistent with the inner diameter flowmeter, or pipe must change size. Users can according to the specific conditions of pipeline and construction, according to the product manuals to the relevant section design installation.
5. In design piping installation, the sensor or transmitter the top of the amplifier there shall be 500 mm with room for commissioning and maintenance
6. When flowmeter need to temperature, pressure compensation type, pressure transmitter installed in upstream flowmeter 1 D, temperature sensor (usually use platinum resistance PT100) installed in the downstream 3 ~ 5 D
Of course there are also some vortex flowmeter problems, mainly: (1) instructions to long-term; (2) always no indicator; (3) wide fluctuations instructions, can't reading; (4) instructions not to return zero; (5) when small flow without instructions; 8) big flow indicate can also, small flow indicate no; 7 when changing flow instructions to keep up with changes; 8) instrument K coefficient not sure, many place material are not consistent.
For these problems we after detailed research and analysis, and put forward the solution:
1, selection problem. Some vortex sensors in diameter selection or in design selection process conditions change after because, makes choose a big-a specification, the actual selection should choose the caliber as small as possible, in order to improve the accuracy of measurement.
2, installation problems. The main front is the sensor straight section of length is insufficient, affect the measurement precision.
3, parameters setting of the direction of reason. As the parameter errors, lead to instrument instructions incorrectly. Parameter makes second instrument error in calculation of full frequency, full degrees of similar frequency instructions to make long-term, actual full frequency gets calculation of full degrees of the frequency of instructions that wide fluctuations, can't readings, and material on the parameters influence the inconsistency and parameters of the final, ultimately through combining compared each other to calibration determine the parameters, the problem is solved.
4 and secondary instrument faults. This part of the fault is more, including: a instrument circuit board has the place of bolt, range set individual position shows bad, K coefficient setting a bad individual display, which can not be sure and K range set value setting, through the repair corresponding fault, the problems were solved.
Five, four route road connection problems. Part of the loop on the surface circuit connection is very good, a careful check, some joint has actually become loose cause loop disruptions, though some joint connection is very tight but because vice line problem tighten the screw fastening but in line on the skin, and make loop interrupt.
Solve the corresponding route, existing problems and corresponding solution.
6, second instrument and subsequent instrument connection problems. Because the problem or because subsequent instrument meter of follow-up maintenance, make second instrument of mA output loop disruptions, for this type of second instrument for, in the long-term damage can't repair data recorder, must pay attention to short sub second instrument output.
7, because second instrument flat shaft cable faults loop always caused no instructions. Due to long-term operation, plus the influence of by dust, cause flat shaft cable faults, through clean or replace flat wire axis, the problems were solved.
8, because the instrument shows for two headers to coil fixed screw loose, header by sinking, Pointers and case friction big, action ineffective, through the